Disseminate world famous entrepreneurial cases, share various entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and stories, let more people understand the risks of entrepreneurship, and improve the success rate of entrepreneurship.
Now entrepreneurship has become the most fascinating word in this era. Many young people will start their lives and work around this word. However, Arthur Attwell, a failed entrepreneur, summarized five lessons and rules based on his own failure.
Spend your time on things that are meaningful and valuable
To succeed, you must first experience failure
Any income that is unsustainable is not worthy of envy if it is high
As an entrepreneur, you should never be without ambition, because it is the only thing that separates you from the average person.
The most promising entrepreneurial industries at the moment
Today's new generation of women are also stronger and more independent
Now entrepreneurship has become the most fascinating word in this era. Many young people will start their lives and work around this word. However, Arthur Attwell, a failed entrepreneur, summarized five lessons and rules based on his own failure.
The key to work and life is in mixing circles, economics we call externalities and spillovers
No matter what industry you are in, if you are a first time entrepreneur, there will always be some difficult things in front of you