Disseminate world famous successful marketing cases, share various marketing knowledge, skills and technologies, so that more people can learn and understand the value of marketing.
Social marketing is a multi-way interactive communication model for members of a group
Independent video ads, which are automatically played on the article page, are becoming more and more popular among advertisers. This format is a way to replace the scarce and expensive streaming video insertion, just like the advertisement played before the video.
For CMO, this era has created unprecedented marketing opportunities, but also created a highly complex environment. The importance of successfully responding to user needs and preferences has never been greater. A study by Walker predicted that "by 2020, the user experience will exceed the price and the product itself and become the key factor determining the brand difference."
Like almost all retailers, some large organizations are facing increasingly fierce competition and CPC (pay per click) search challenges. The performance oriented marketing team realized that they could not always pay high costs to obtain the same level of revenue from repeat customers.
As people pay more and more attention to personal data and privacy today, the entire advertising and marketing industry is also reassessing the way to deal with personal privacy, and advertisers are also looking for better ways to collect data, hoping to legally use more accurate personal data information as much as possible without damaging personal privacy.
You must be precise before doing promotion
The question about the last contact of consumers is the most popular one among retail marketing practitioners, and it has been argued as attribution for more than ten years. In today's marketing world, consumers shop through various terminal devices and channels. Therefore, it is outdated and inefficient to simply attribute the sales achievement to the last interaction before purchase. This is because you may overemphasize the bottom of the funnel and neglect all the efforts made when filling the top of the funnel.
Social marketing is a multi-way interactive communication model for members of a group
Just as the human brain processes images, computers are trained to process images just like humans. Image recognition, which is now a hot high-tech, was born as early as 1966. The original idea of the inventor was to attach the camera to the computer, so that the computer could easily see what the camera actually saw. However, image recognition still needs human training.
A business has to have a website of its own. The home page of this website is actually a large animation. When the content of the website can retain customers, that means your website is very good, gradually they will go slowly to find what they want.
What to choose to raise the marketing methods need to be based on the actual situation of the enterprise to choose